Independent Lens: Arabella Jones

Get to know Arabella Jones, the rising star who first made her name on YouTube and other social media networks.

In this modern world of smart phones, tablets and ultra thin computers, the way new musical artists get discovered is changing and it’s changing at a rapid pace. YouTube has become the biggest form of musical discovery for young teenagers and it has allowed new rising stars like Arabella Jones to appear and build a following via Youtube and the other major social media networks, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

During last month’s CMA Music Festival, we had a chance to catch up with Arabella Jones before her CMA performance debut at the Chevrolet Roadhouse Stage. Our guest writer, Janae Kristine took the helm on this project

Janae Kristine: So I hear you have your new music coming out, how’s that going?

Arabella Jones: Yes I’m actually in the process of writing, recording my EP right now and I’ll have a lead single coming out. I’m shooting for about September but can’t give away too many details yet!

Janae: That’s awesome! So you got your start on youtube, how fun is it to make a video?

Arabella: It’s so fun! Its so crazy to see people from all over the world watching me, sitting in my bedroom playing guitar, its crazy!

Janae: What’s the coolest experience you’ve had in your career? 

Arabella: Honestly I’d have to say this! My first CMA fest! Its been an experience, I get to meet people that already know me online for the first time and meet new people, its been great.

Janae: How important is it for you to be a good role model to people?

Arabella: Its definitely important to me to inspire, girls especially, just to be strong and respect themselves and just make their decisions that are best for them. So I really just inspire girls to be strong.

Janae: What’s the message you want to send to your fans? 

Arabella: Well I wanna say hi to my bellaholics. Hope next year even more of y’all will be out here with me! This CMA Fest has been great and thanks for supporting me all the way up till now!

You can follow Arabella Jones on TwitterFacebook, Instagram and of course YouTube.