Single Review: Justin Moore - Home Sweet Home

It's always tricky to record an iconic song like Motley Crue's Home Sweet Home. The song has been performed by Justin Moore and we put it under the microscope here.

Perhaps the most-iconic songs from the Motley Crue catalog, “Home Sweet Home” felt like a natural single choice if there was to be a single from the upcoming Country music star tribute Motley Crue and who better to sing the power ballad than Justin Moore, right?

Actually, you’d have thought that Rascal Flatts or Cassadee Pope would’ve been the choice to sing the song (which was once recorded by Carrie Underwood for an American Idol tribute single) but Justin Moore gets the chore of singing the powerful ballad about a man’s deep love for his wife and family. And sing it he does (with a harmony vocal assist by Vince Neal, the original singer of the song). “Home Sweet Home” allows Justin Moore to show off his considerable vocal prowess, something he’s readily done live but not very much on record. Well, now he has and it’s a massive coming out party.

This song choice (instead of a third single from Off The Beaten Path) was a SMART choice by both Scott Borchetta and Justin for it positively showcases the Nashville Outlaws: A Tribute To Motley Crue and Justin Moore. There’s simply no way this isn’t a huge hit for them and it also helps build mainstream buzz for the tribute album, due out later this summer.