Frankie Ballard to Perform "Helluva Life" on Conan Tonight

Tonight on TBS, Frankie Ballard fans can watch the rising star perform his first #1 hit, the nearly-Gold certified "Helluva Life." Continue on here to find out more about the Conan Tonight Performance and what song from Sunshine & Whiskey will follow-up "Helluva Life" on the charts!

It's been a "helluva" month for Frankie Ballard who landed his very first chart-topping single last week with "Helluva Life."

Well the good times are continuing to flow for the sexy newcomer, as he heads to the TBS network tonight (Weds., March 26) to perform his smash on Conan. Ballard's appearance will air at 11:00PM ET and be his debut performance on the popular night time show.

"Helluva Life" is the lead single from Ballard's Sunshine & Whiskey album that hit stores earlier this year. The title track is set to hit radio soon as the follow-up single.