Tyler Farr Reveals His "Poison" ... SEC Football

Tyler Farr reveals that he's become a massive fan of SEC football thanks to his buddy Colt Ford. Continue here to see how Tyler has become addicted to the College football season that is nearly a religion in the bible belt.

There are many things in life that Tyler Farr enjoys ... hunting, country music and sports definitely top that list.

“I played every sport growing up,” he tells Radio.com. “Baseball was probably my best sport. I played shortstop, center field.”

But it's SEC football that tops his favorite, especially his Georgia Bulldogs.

”I’m an adopted Georgia Bulldogs fan because I’m from Southern Missouri,” he says. “I’d be on the road with Colt Ford, he lived in Athens, still does, and that’s where the University of Georgia is at. Naturally I was just thrown into it. I went to a game and I was sold. SEC football is just a whole different lifestyle. It’s a tradition."

And the love is mutual from the SEC world.

“My buddy texts me and says, ‘Dude, South Carolina is warming up to your song in the stadium. You can hear it during game day,’” Farr beams, adding that the same friend also texted him a video of it all going down. “You can hear ‘Redneck Crazy’ blasting through the speakers behind them. That was pretty cool. That’s kind of a weird song to warm up to, but whatever gets them psyched!”