Carter's Chord's World Vision: Love A Little Bigger

Carter's Chord's new music video Love A Little Bigger showcases their recent trip to the Dominican Republic to visit with a child they sponsor through World Vision. In this exclusive article, the family band discusses their experience there along with what is in store for them

This fantastic and selfless act should serve as an inspiration and the video itself does as it showcases a side of those in poverty that isn't 'sad' like many children hunger aid programs are. We talked about all of this and more in our conversation. 

Matt : So you recently became affiliated with World Vision, what can you tell us about that?

Joanna: About a year ago we were approached by a friend that works with World Vision that worked with us on a different child sponsorship company and trip a couple years ago to Guatemala. He joined World Vision and asked us if we wanted to do a similar thing. 

Emily: Yeah, we really believe what World Vision is doing. Instead of going into these communities and throwing money at the communities and problems, they go in and really help by teaching the communities skills to better themselves, help them go to school, give them food. They really grow the communities and that was really cool to us, instead of just throwing money at the situation, they really go in and try to help.

It's been a really, really cool sponsorship thing that we've green able to do. We sponsor a girl in the Dominican Republic. It's really been neat to see our relationship grow with that and World Vision has been awesome for that.

Matt: And you recently went there and got to film your music video there…

Emily: Yeah! It's been cool because with this partnership with WorldVision, we had our song with "Love A Little Bigger," from our [Wild Together] EP that was released last year and it was kind of the initial thing that attracted World Vision to us. They have been working mostly with Christian artists recently but wanted to work with some country artists as well and we're one of the first country artists that they've worked with.

So we went to the Domican Republic in January to kinda see what they do but we also brought video director Chris Hickey and a small crew with us to film a music video for "Love A Little Bigger." It was an incredible, incredible experience. We really wanted to show the joyfulness down there, the vibrancy of the country and of the people. We didn't want to show sadness, like some of those commercials you see. We didn't want a sad video but wanted to show the hope, the beauty and the love down there.

Everything you see in it is real. There are no actors, no glam squad doing our makeup and each kid that's in the video are actual World Vision sponsored children and everything ended up being authentic and cool.

Joanna: We really felt like we learned a lot from these kids that we met. And that's really what "Love A Little Bigger" is all about. About having the attitude to step outside of yourself and being grateful for what you have and loving bigger. And it's funny because we actually learned that from these people  we met in the Dominican who have so little yet here they are loving bigger.

Matt: Right. I felt the same way when I was in China and the people who didn't have a lot. I saw how happy they were even though what I made in a month what they made in a year. So I can relate to your story from what I saw. That's the thing. When you're poor or have little, you don't' know that and live a joyful life. So it's good to see a video portray these people that way instead of the poor, desolate stuff of other videos…

Joanna: Yeah, that's all they've ever known and the main thing we wanted to show was their joyfulness, their close-knit communities and families. There are shots of kids riding bikes and it's a colorful bright depiction of what they live like down there.

Emily: Yeah, I don't think there's one shot where they aren't smiling. It's just a lot of joy shown.

Matt: It's similar then, to the stuff you see of Oprah in Africa. You don't see the people there in poverty looking sad about their life because they don't know they're in such a bad state compared to others. They're happy to see people visit.   And I guess it's a direct response to the sad videos showcased by commercials like Childhelp USA or something like that, which use sadness and guilt as a way to support kids…

Emily: You know there were definitely moments when we were there that we saw or Sponsor child and her family and they basically live on a rooftop in a small closet place with one bed and we brought them food and it was literally the only food we could see in their little place that they lived. There are definitely moments where it catches you and you're sad. But given all of that, these kids love their families and were joyful and grateful that we were there to visit. 

And you know, we get upset about losing cellphone reception or being stuck in traffic. So to compare to what they have or don't have, I think the main thing we wanted to portray, from this video, is the joyfulness and the hope was that people would maybe take the time to sponsor a child with World Vision but if not that then to maybe inspire people to be grateful for what they do have in their own life and to spread the love to their family and friends and to maybe not take small things so seriously when there really are more serious things in the world.

Matt: I guess that could also go to your other single from the album, "A Little Less Comfortable" in the sense that maybe it's not so bad to feel a little less comfortable in our own lives.

Emily: Absolutely!

Joanna: Thats what we talked about too, there's a theme to a lot of our songs… We didn't plan it that way but that's how it worked out…

Matt: How have fans reacted to "Wild Together" when playing it out?

Emily: Yeah, people, our fans, have really loved "Wild Together" And I think when it first came out, they were so excited about it to get fresh music because it had been so long (since the first album came out). People really like the album and the direction we took it in. I think "A Little Less Comfortable" was a great introduction for the album. People love that song and the album but they really give a reaction to "Love A Little Bigger." 

Since releasing the video we have had nothing but positive reactions and responses to the video and the people are telling us how inspired they are and wanting to share it with friends and family. So it's rewarding to us to be able to have made some music that impacts and means something to people.

Matt: What does the rest of 2012 have in store? Are y'all gonna get out and tour behind the album some more?

Emily: Yeah, we're not on a specific tour but the summer is busy for us with lots of fairs and festivals and hopefully we'll be able to do some more stuff with world vision and go on more trips. Maybe even do a benefit concert in Nashville for World Vision. We'll be there for CMA Fest too…

Matt: How has social media helped you grow your fan base, particularly since it's been hard to get radio to play your music?

Joanna: Social media has helped tremendously. We are very involved on our Facebook and Twitter. we're the ones who interact with our fans and its; really neat to have that dialogue going back and forth with our fans. We have our own youtube channel as well where we make our own videos,  we film them our selfs and that we edit as well, called the Chord Chronicles. That's really fun too. We get to interact and share with our fans a lot there, not just our music but our personal lives too. It's been really, really amazing for us.

Emily: It's definitely been huge for us because the country radio route, some stations have been good to us but it's a hard nut to crack and latch on. And this generation, the current one, they don't necessarily hear about music through the radio. they hear about it from blogs, Facebook, iTunes or whatever it might be. SO The internet and social media is definitely something we love to focus on.

Matt: and I think fans love it because they get to know you…

Emily: Yeah and it's so important and fans love to know they're talking to the real artist, not somebody who works for them…

Matt: What one word best describes country music to you?

Joanna: I would say "Home." We grew up with Waylon and the steel guitar feels like home, it's soothing and comforting…

Emily: That's a good one, you took mine, [laughs]. It's life. You know, country music to me is about real life, real stories, real things you go through, stories from your real life situations and feelings. When I listen to country music it's relatable to me, life…


You can view Carter's Chord's new video for "Love A Little Bigger" by Clicking here.

You can support a child through World Vision by clicking here.