JT Hodges - "Hunt You Down"

On his debut single, Show Dog-Universal newcomer J.T. Hodges comes storming out of the gates with "Hunt You Down." Relentlessly catchy, does the song stand any chance of becoming a big hit at country radio? Read on to find out what we think of its chances!

The first thing that jumps out at you is the almost spoken-word rhythmic feel to the song. Then comes the whistling melody after the first part of the first verse.  Lastly the spoken-word hook to end the chorus.  Upon first listen I found all of this quite distracting and thought the hook to be a detriment rather than a distinguisher.  Further listens eased my fears though as the song is insanely catchy and is an almost instant sing-along.  Lyrically the song gets points for using specifics and being narrative and not descriptive, but the story is a bit implausible (she lives in the richest mansion on the highest hill in town and has a free plane, yet he’s going to have to hunt her down?) and I’m not sure I understand the bridge. Still, at least the song tells a fun story, the production is pleasantly quirky, and Hodges vocals are spot on.

The song is rather different though, and neither Show Dog nor Universal South has much of a history in launching successful artists. So Hodges hasn’t exactly been dealt an ideal hand, but hopefully radio gives this enough of a chance to let the public decide its fate. In the end this may just be a novelty song or it may be a breakthough, but I’m very interested in what Mr. Hodges has to offer in the future.

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