Becky Schlegel - Dandelion

In 2008 Becky Schlegel wowed us with her previous release For All The World To See.  Does her latest album, Dandelion hold our attention the way her last record did?  Will it be one of our favorite roots music releases of the year?

Fans may have heard lead single “So Embarrassing” on our audio page or their favorite roots music station or perhaps they’ve heard the #1 European Hotdisc  chart hit “Colorado Line.” This song, like every track on the record, is written by Becky and is an organic tale of a love that blooms and dies within that Colorado line.  If people were looking where the story song has gone to, “Colorado Line” is a good place to look as it’s a fine example of one.  The title track is a bluesy, acoustic track with an interesting lyric that is uses a dandelion as a metaphor for love or a special somebody who holds the heart of the narrator.  “I Never Loved You Cowboy” and “I Never Needed You” both present a more ‘up-tempo’ sound for Becky Schlegel and “I Never Loved You Cowboy” is particularly interesting as it showcases a more ‘modern’ feel to the album and features a lyric about a woman who is over the fact that the guy she likes will never settle down with her. 

“The Way You Are” is a soft piano/vocal track that is one of the most romantic tunes that one is likely to find on any country or roots music album in 2010 and it really would make for a great end-credits track for a film while “Don’t Leave It Up To Me” has bluegrass roots but really feels like a home-run of an acoustic country tune.  “If I Were A Poet” ends the record on a high note and really it comes down to much of what I think Becky Schlegel is about.  She’s an impressive vocalist and songwriter who writes and sings poetic tunes.  With her co-producer/manager Brian Fesler guiding the production along with Becky, Dandelion is one of those albums you listen to when you’re actually listening as opposed to just driving along to the record.  It’s a brilliantly crafted record that should be appreciated by many people for years to come.

You can support Becky Schlegel by purchasing this album at Amazon CD | Amazon MP3 | iTunes.