Rodney Atkins - "Chaing Girls"

Even though "It's America" went #1 on the charts and the follow-up single "Fifteen Minutes" scored a Top 15 hit for Rodney, he seemed to be losing his charming homespun likeability.  That has changed as this single returns him to exactly what made him a star, relatability.

While “It’s America” showed off Rodney’s patriotic stripes, the song, along with follow-up single “Fifteen Minutes” took Rodney Atkins away from those values that brought him to the forefront of the country music audience, that is the man who sang tales of homespun life, be it as the dad with a son “Watching” everything he does to the father who lays down the law to his daughter’s boyfriend.   For fans wondering if Rodney Atkins was going to return to radio with another homespun track, consider it done as Rodney’s latest single is this one, “Chasing Girls.” 

Telling a story of his own life, the song follows Rodney as he sings about chasing girls as a teenager then follows that up with a new life with his wife and dog and daughters and then ends on the bridge where Rodney sings about his son following in his footsteps as the boy chases his older sisters and mom around and laughing all the way.  It’s a single with the effortless charm and a likeable up-tempo melody that should help regain fans attentions.  While not groundbreaking, the single should be a home-run for Rodney and return the singer, who often sounds like Tim McGraw, to the top of the charts, which is always the goal of a radio single, isn’t it?