Keith Anderson - Somebody Needs A Hug

Keith Anderson's second single from C'Mon has Budweiser anthem written all over it. With Rockabilly-influenced guitar work, this song may use an idiomatic expression that makes you want to hit the speaker in the face, but the song inspires dancing. That being said, is it a hit?

 Keith Anderson's second single from "C'Mon" has Budweiser anthem written all over it. With Rockabilly-influenced guitar work, this song may use an idiomatic expression that makes you want to hit the speaker in the face, but the song inspires dancing.  The old fashioned guitar work, the loud and proud vocals, and the sing-along chorus, what could be better as a hit? This is thoughtless, emotionless Pop, but damned if it doesn't sound good out and about on a Saturday night, when you refuse invitation to somebody else's pity-party.