novelty - "rooster song-crd"


Subject: The roster song some one requsted the song

(G) I had a cow that wouldn't give no milk

(D) I had a cow that wouldn't give no milk

(G) Till that Roster came in the

(D) Yard and took that Cow out behind the (G) barn

(G) She's giving egg nog

(D) She's giving egg nog since that Roster

(G) Come in and yard took that cow out behind the (G) barn

(G) I had an aunt the wouldn't have no kids (D) I had a aunt that
wouldn't have no kids

(G) Till that Roster came in the (D) yard and took my aunt out behind
the (G) barn (G) were havin Roster (D)were having fried Roster since
that Roster (G) Came in the yard and took my aunt out behind the (G)